Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Wednesday Cocktail: Should I Say Something?

Every Wednesday, I try to share something inspiring that I have read online within the last week. This week I got unusually spammed with mails offering me curiously dubious pills- which I assumed were for men. I also got requests from ‘my bank’ asking for my login details. When I let the cursor hover over the bank’s name in the address section, I found the real address to be or something like that. Does
Wednesday Cocktail: This is healthy stuff!
that mean they want to ‘make it big’ off me? I don’t know.

In the last one week, most of the things I read online are related to my career- especially as it affects my current job description. I have been feeling especially nudged to up my game in that area.  Meanwhile, in the process of stepping up my game, I realised that I got swindled (through a funny variant of falsehood)- 7 years ago! I wonder why it took so long for me to see it. Next Monday, I will share the details in the falsehood series.

Now to business, the favourite thing I read online this week is a Facebook post by a friend, Ademola Williams. First of all, (‘Demola does not know it), but his posts usually inspire me. Apart from the fact that he posts his devotional-everyday, I am yet to see the first slightly unwholesome update from him. This particular post is very similar to a topic we considered here in June.
Should I Say Something...?

'... Speaking the truth in love...' Ephesians 4:15 NKJ

Your loose-tongued best friend has spent the last ten minutes laying out every bit of dirt on the love life of someone you both know. It was embarrassing, hilarious, and just a little bit malicious. This isn't the first time it's happened, and the gossip is starting to leave an ugly taste in your mouth...
Over to you. Is it time to wade in, or hold off?
Your mate's unlimited broadband means he's getting the newest films in the comfort of his bedroom before they're even showing at the cinema. Not to mention any music his iPod desires. All without paying a cent. Even though he says it's not hurting anyone, your conscience is beginning to differ...
And back to you. Is it time to wade in, or hold off?
We need to be careful to choose the right time to do this, but sometimes loving someone requires confronting them for their own good. If it involves a destructive habit, something that's illegal or a situation that could hurt them, it's important not to turn a blind eye. The Bible offers amazing wisdom on how to tackle this.
Here are two examples: (1) 'Love is not rude.' It doesn't use an aggressive, heavy-handed approach. What is said is spoken with kindness. (2) 'Love is not self-seeking.' It forgets about needing to be accepted and liked, or to score 'holy points' off the other person. Instead it makes sure their wellbeing is the main priority. If you're in this sort of situation today, pray for God's Holy Spirit to speak through you with wisdom and tact, so that the truth comes out in love.
SoulFood: Exodus 16:1-18, John 6:1-15,John 6:25-40, 1 Cor 11:23-24
Check here for a similar article that treats this issue.
Here is a reminder about something I shared in July. I remember sending a warning that I will continue to post it till I get tired. So here it is again, for the third-and definitely not the last time.  One day, I’ll explain why it ranks so high with me.
                when you should stop reading your Bible:
                Go on reading it until you can read no longer, and then you will not need the Bible anymore, because when your eyes close for the last time in death, and never again read the Word of God in Scripture, you will open them to the Word of God in the flesh, that same Jesus of the Bible whom you have known for so long, standing before you to take you forever to His eternal home." - Geoffrey Thomas, Reading the Bible
Beautiful, isn’t it? And very true too. I really do love this quote. Very much. Very very much. I’ll probably share it every week till someone protests- but what kind of person says he doesn’t want to hear about the Bible? I will ‘Jesus juke’ you J
Here are the links to other things I read that I think you may find useful:
·         If communication breaks down in a marriage: I have always known that communication is a big deal in marriage, and even in ALL our relationships. I just didn’t know the specific things to pray for to make it better.
·         Tips for writers: I read a backlog of articles from here and here and found them quite helpful. I didn’t find a major earth-shaking writing tip but I found tiny details that differentiate a well done job from a poorly done one.
What have you found inspiring online this week? Please drop a note in the comments section.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Ms. August.

Picture from 

PS: The aim of Wednesday weekly rounds is to share with you things I came across online and found useful. It could also be a way of saying that “if I can’t share it on this platform”, I should rethink reading it.
Would you be able to freely share what you have been reading online in the past week? If you consider it inappropriate to be shared amongst believers, maybe you shouldn’t be reading it to start with.
PPS: The usual disclaimer: I am not affiliated or endorsing the people mentioned in this post. As you know, they are waaaayyyy out of my league J

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